News from Konsthallen

Free admission to all exhibitions.

News at Lunds konsthall

At Lund konsthall we are adapting to the current circumstances by strengthening how we communicate through our digital channels and platforms about our exhibitions, public art and the collection. We take our webpage, social media channels like Instagram and our Youtube Channel as the starting point to allow our visitors to enjoy our programmes from home.

Lunds konsthall Play

Lunds konsthall has launched its own Youtube Channel. For each exhibition or other project, filmed interviews are made with the artists or the curator. They are available on Youtube as part of a record of activities at Lunds konsthall in recent years: interviews, performance and other events. Now you can also find filmed guided tours of the exhibition.

See guided tours and interviews here


We publish short descriptions of selected works from the current exhibition on an ongoing basis. We will also share material about public art in Lund, our collection, recent acquisitions, etc.

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