1 December 2012 – 10 February 2013
Marina Abramovic´, Trisha Brown, Graciela Carnevale, Simone Forti, Anna Halprin, Reinhild Hoffmann, Channa Horwitz, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Sanja Ivekovic´, Adrian Piper och Yvonne Rainer.
Moments on Moments is a condensed version of the exhibition Moments. A History of Performance in 10 Acts, produced for ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany. The exhibition features filmed performances by artists who have critiqued and transgressed genre boundaries between dance, performance, and visual media since the 1960s: Marina Abramovic´,Trisha Brown, Graciela Carnevale, Simone Forti, Anna Halprin, Reinhild Hoffmann, Channa Horwitz, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Sanja Ivekovic´, Adrian Piper and Yvonne Rainer.
Curators: Boris Charmatz, Sigrid Gareis, Georg Schöllhammer.
Curator vid Lunds konsthall: Åsa Nacking.
In partnership with ZKM, Karlsruhe, och M HKA, Antwerpen.
Photographer: Terje Östling.
Lunds konsthall - a part of Lunds kommun